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Fear the Spotlight


Fear the Spotlight takes you to a haunting experience in a dimly lit space. Your mission is to follow your friend and find the key to open the fire escape.

Is the game really scary?

The game brings a mysterious space with two characters trapped in a dark haunted house without lights. Besides, the objects in the house are old and very scary, with paintings hidden behind a layer of blur that looks very creepy. So, to escape from here, you and your friend need to find objects that can help find important clues to the key. This is a truly horror game haunted by the house without lights.

How to find the key to success

Important objects

To find the key to open the big doors, you need to use your skills to analyze objects that may be related or hide the key. Objects that may be related are paintings that may be the key-hiding element or chairs. Your and your best friend's task is to run to and analyze the painting to find the way to collect the key. Objects are placed in many places, and your job is to find the picture that contains the clue. Pay attention to avoid being fooled and wasting time searching.

Moving in the right direction

In addition to searching for important objects, you also use character control to go in the right direction and observe the right position to move forward. Use by holding the keyboard at the shortcut keys W, A, S, and D to move in all directions in the house. It leads you through many directions: back and run away or move forward to the target. With this simple control, you will find the key to success and have an escape route.

Besides, the experience of finding the key to success helps you add skills to analyze situations and be creative with friends. The game brings a mysterious horror scene like the game Grandpa & Granny 4, which brings two characters and many scary horror challenges.