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The Baby In Yellow


The Baby In Yellow becomes nanny to care for a baby dressed in yellow, but things are not as simple. Mysterious and terrifying details are revealed.

Uncover the mystery of babysitting

Game Story

Play as a nanny hired to take care of a strange baby for three nights. At first, your task seems simple: feed the baby, change the diaper, and put the baby to bed. However, as the night progresses, you will discover that this baby is not normal.

The baby has the ability to teleport and cause many supernatural phenomena in the house. You will have to face strange situations such as the baby disappearing and appearing in unexpected places, objects moving by themselves, and strange noises in the night. Each night, these phenomena become more terrifying and unpredictable.

Complete the mission of a nanny

Your task is to complete the tasks of taking care of the baby while solving puzzles and dealing with supernatural situations. You will need to stay calm and find a way to overcome the challenges to survive these three terrifying nights.

Chapters in the game

The game has a total of 8 chapters, the chapters are strung together to create a complete horror story.

Chapter 1: The Sitter

You start your babysitting job and get acquainted with the baby in yellow. Your task is to feed the baby, change the diaper and put the baby to sleep. Everything seems normal, but you will start to notice strange phenomena.

Chapter 2: The Child

The baby begins to show supernatural abilities such as teleportation. You must deal with unexpected situations and solve puzzles to complete the mission.

Chapter 3: The Escape

You try to escape the house when the supernatural phenomena become increasingly terrifying. The baby will try to stop you in every way.

Chapter 4: The Doctor

You meet a mysterious doctor who can help you understand more about the baby and the strange phenomena. You will have to follow the doctor's instructions to progress further.

Chapter 5: The Ritual

You discover that the baby is part of an ancient ritual. You must find a way to stop this ritual to save yourself and the baby.

Chapter 6: The Nightmare

Things get worse when you are caught in a nightmare. You must find a way to escape the nightmare and return to reality.

Chapter 7: The Revelation

You discover the truth about the baby and the origin of the supernatural phenomena. You will have to face the final challenges to solve everything.

Chapter 8: The End

This is the final chapter, where you have to make important decisions to end the story. The ending of the game will depend on the choices you make throughout the game.